Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pregnant 5 Months How Should Stomach Feel


design concept [Edit]

In English and French means "design" or "draft", while the Italian disegno (German: drawing, sculpture) greater emphasis on trying out a process similar to the English diseño. In contrast to the German language, which aimed at more creative aspects of design-and reified the concept of design largely consists of the Anglo-Saxon concept design and technical components of the "design".
went to the French borrowed the German term "design" Beginning of the 19th Century on. The so-called "Dessinateur" existed at that time the German term "pattern maker".
continued since the 1960s by the English form "design" against the French. In German, the term "design" to describe the process of consciously designing the first experts in the art. In the course of recent design history, he was part of everyday language. Here he often serves as a collective term for all consciously designed properties of a real or virtual Object, service or brand. Design is meant to counteract the self-understanding of the designers still as an application, as an additional service that has to follow particular aesthetic rules.
The extension of the design concept, its openness to different areas of life, which since the 80s of the 20th Century can be observed, led to increased worldwide interest in the results of the design process and resulted in a stronger level of fuzziness of the concept. The transformation of the design concept criticized some of those involved in the design process as "inflationary".
In Quality Management means according to the ISO standard, the shaping of the production process (in the broadest sense) as "design process". This application of the concept obviously goes back to the English word meaning. The design process plays a vital role in quality assurance. Confusingly, the term "design" especially if the process of product design considered. It is here the design (the process) in the design (the product) to speak.
pluralism and Design [Edit]
АРТ Дизайн
Unlike unique sciences such as mathematics, the perspective the activity or the "discipline" Design is not brought to a generally accepted common denominator. Above all, particularly in the design (still) are strongly differentiated between theory and practice. Finally, the design theory provides little concrete evidence to date that can be used in practice, so that the practical operating Designer in fact very unattached from a theory to work on them, but still no empirical evidence, concepts, and some logical systems . orientate Moreover, in practice, for instance decisions, often referred to as "intuition". The theory employs
consequently at a different level with design and develop models to capture design practice or explain. She is also keen to gain knowledge that could be used in the practice of the future. Simplified one can say that there is only one practice, however, many theoretical models to design. The practice works just go to their efficiency and takes no consideration on what disciplinary boundaries it breaks. The theory, however, must necessarily make some generalizations or bring phenomena on a conceptual level, thus creating just theoretical models. These are always linked with "limits" of how to describe connected. This introduction is important because, first, the discrepancy between theory and practice should be identified and second, to legitimize the use of various theoretical models. Finally, it can be an article like this only theoretical reflection.
design is based on the people [edit]

design is based on people and their diverse needs. These needs range from physical and psychological needs, to needs of the human mind to the objective environment. Design has not only self-imposed rules and intentions, but must concerned primarily with the interests of those groups or persons to whom the design should be useful. This is design and the designs are purposeful in particular. In the design theory for the concept of functionality has been characterized. Not least because of its orientation, purpose, design differs from art.
АРТ Дизайн

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things Around Your House To Masterbate With

... then we go to the sky and all to go with.

Since the Sunday Mass. I now have a new catchy tune that accompanies my day. ;-)
Increasingly, attempts have recently experienced the despair to push to the fore, but in the end somewhere again one of these bright spots, which make life much brighter. :-) People, words, events, situations, songs ... There are so many things that can give hope and courage in the days when one is "hard pressed constraints and needs" from.

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When the sky falls in our night
and the earth, we no longer holds,
rises if we, we may hope
God's future is open to all,
then we go to the sky and all to go with.

When a ray of hope makes us courage, hope
makes life hell,
our sky is after all no longer fear
overcast gray,
then we go to the sky and all to go with.

When the sky gives its bright light, directs our steps
on track to
get us out from all constraints
and the hardships that afflict us,
then we go to the sky, and all go with.

When the sky penetrates into our hearts, our lives
sings a new song,
if we hope to find all dismayed,
tell God's assurance,
then we go to the sky and all to go with.

For heaven by which we strive,
already starts here in our life,
when the rays that reach us, penetrate us and other
then we go to the sky and all to go.

(W. Offele on a suggestion by W. Poeplau, praise of God 013)

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Misty Mundae In The Vampire Strangler Part 1

... break out of your cars ...

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you dare to the banks, imagine against the current,
break out of your cars, forgive without anger.
Go to God's footsteps, is start again.
Dare you to the banks, think of against the current.

(Gregor Linßen)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not so easy to pursue this bold and hopeful when you get to feel again and again highlighted the physical and mental powers are overused - in part to the limits. Blockades paralyzing despair and over again and to bring the mind seem. And over the years ... : '- (

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Sore Can Arthiis Be

Guys, let's just get along:)