Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Woman Feels Muscle Of Man


Thus, the constant change of feelings. Where do you think you have friends, you break often you yourself want to belong, while keeping to yourself. What they want from you? You, as you are, or Pierrot, the clown do it at all? Do I need you, miss you up? Like lilies in the light of the moon, no calyx is willing to open up to the moon, not a flower reaches the soul. But where are you one of them, and are willing to open up to them, they would rather see the moon. It's always the loved ones, hurt thee, knowing that they are the ones for which you are willing to sacrifice themselves.
With the sound tearing silk fades the record of your moonlight sonata. I will never change, why because even if I'm not asked. Porcelain doll, a life for themselves, but the world around me is different than the one in which I live. Should I forget myself, imitate them, to thereby to be? Again and again I return to myself to find. Dear I am alone. I can not forget me, and I do not have to. For we are all equal, one seeks the friendship is not one they studied. You can take the man as he is. I will not change me. No one is perfect, but nobody says what bothers him. I am beginning to think that inequality is the origin.
friends. People you love that you miss that one needs for which you give everything. There is nothing, only I probably would not be needed anymore. Sad, but what else can I do? People who are well acquainted, are important to me, all seems lost to go as long as I want to be myself. Perhaps it is abundance.
But perhaps I was just never the right thing. Unfortunately, my error 10 years of practice, you are the most important thing.

Frank, Finja, Elisha, Tess, Anna - so important to me you're from - maybe I'm just too lonely and quiet for you, and I will not be prevented, to savor life together . Did you love. ...


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