Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ps3 Wire Diagram Audio No Hdmi

lina_ame @ 2009-12-12T18:05:00

I'm a fucking loser, the old days chasing. Our little unplanned photo shoots. And reconstruct einzellne every day. As if what it takes.
And ask me again, what would be, if . And come to the same conclusion again and again. If would then nothing. It never worked. So why not pursue? What hunt? There is nothing.
a sad nostalgia. The attempt to retrieve something. Something that I myself zuerstört have. I gave up everything for this new love. For this new happiness. And I have no regrets. And that is a lie. I have no regrets, because I stole something new, what's better for me. Someone who loves me just as ruthless. Only one of the doomed. Sooner or later.
I'm broken lives. I try to give everything, the person I care about most anything. I try to make these people happy. But I'm just doomed. For I am made for any relationship. I would give anything to get it be. But I'm not. Your happiness, that's not me. I will destroy anyone who dares to hope. Sorry as I also do, I'll never make it to make you happy. Because everything is impermanent.
And you're one of them. Hunt for memories. Trying to retrieve atmospheres. But you know it, as it was in the beginning, it never will be. We are happy because we are so unlike us. We'll win though, not to somehow make each other happy. But eventually we will fail. And I hope for you, and only for you that you'll see your heart is not in vain again in splinters on the ground, I hope so much that I do not let it fall by accident, you know how clumsy I am. But I have learned. And I will guard you, as I have not managed to herd the other heart. To put it to you sometime when the time is right to return intact.
Mine is in ruins. And everyone finds a piece of it with her. You have the rest of the puzzles together I could not. And keep it, I will not be able to use. Just throw it away in your not despair, as so many have made. Keep it because it's all I can give you. Me, complete, all that's left of me. And if you wonder why you have me so incomplete, so remember, that I like to give away a little bit for everyone, but you're the only one who wants me quite yet. And so you get everything there from me. I owe you. For your love. For you, as complete as ever. You are so totally that I will never break up. And I've learned. How to deal with people. They should be stored so that they do not break when one careless move. One should guard against them and to care for them. So that if someone else wants them, they remain entirely unused. You stay your privacy completely. I will not torment some point because I have destroyed you.


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